We have been working with Die Leserei for several years on various digital and printed products. We value Anna Dätwyler’s deadline compliance, her accuracy, and her sincere transparency. She questions us and keeps a close eye on us. This helps us to position ourselves also on a linguistic level – and we can even deal with gender issues in an elegant, efficient, and nearly invisible way.

Paul Fischer, Deputy director dp suisse, Chief editor of association and trade magazine print + communication, Aarau

Anna Dätwyler is an excellent proofreader, very precise, and extremely critical. She spots EVERYTHING. What I really appreciate is the fact that she takes the context into consideration, looking beyond the horizon of the “normal proofreading”, questioning things and coming up with valid suggestions. I can warmly recommend her services.

Caroline Schneider, Head of communications and marketing, Reusspark – Centre for Care and Support, Niederwil, Canton of Aargau

For years now, working together with Anna Dätwyler has been professional and friendly. I can always rely on her to proofread and edit our texts carefully, to make sure they are reader-friendly and tailor-made for our audience.

Doris Durrer, Specialist in business communication, RVK – Services and insurances for the healthcare market, Lucerne

We have been relying on Die Leserei for years, on their exact and reliable way of working, their eagle eye, and their smooth wording in our publications. Thank you for all that!

Ulrike Seifart, Project manager Communication, Teacher training college Schwyz, Goldau, Canton of Schwyz

Thorough, reliable, thoughtful. These are just some of the reasons for working with Die Leserei. I am extremely pleased with the editing and proofreading of our technical texts and am very happy to recommend Die Leserei.

Franziska Herren, Communication, Prevention and Health promotion Canton of Zurich, Zurich

Our work with Anna Dätwyler is the link in a chain that makes our final product, the GasseZiitig, into what it stands for and what our readers have appreciated for years now. Her view from the outside and her involvement in both content and style are a valuable addition to our own point of view.

Roger Lütolf, Chief editor GasseZiitig, Church Street Work Association, Lucerne

Punctual, exact, and friendly – we have trusted Die Leserei for many years now and are extremely pleased with its quality, again and again.

Flavia Korner, BA FHZ in visual communication, Head of visual creation, Responsible for graphics and websites, FH SCHWEIZ, Zurich

Anna Dätwyler might not be an economist, but our close collaboration during the copy-editing process for my publication on practical business management was extremely inspiring for me as the author. Her excellent linguistic competence, together with her fine sense for the nuances in the wording, set her apart.

Andreas Lauterburg, Author, Industrial entrepreneur, Kehrsiten, Canton of Nidwalden

As a copywriting professional, I really do not like anybody meddling with my work. But after writing the texts and even after several proofreadings, there is always the risk of not spotting some of the slips of the pen. But I cannot afford to become numbed by routine. That is why I have been trusting Anna Dätwyler for as long as Die Leserei has existed. What I value most of all is the respect Anna Dätwyler shows towards my work.

Silvie Sax, Head of communication, Victura GmbH, Rotkreuz, Canton of Zug

Anna Dätwyler was the perfect proofreader/editor for my book project. With her insistence and her critical questions, she always managed to make sure that my wording was even more accurate. I always felt in the best professional hands and she encouraged me to achieve more. She motivated me to improve my style so that it would touch the readers.

Nita Weingartner, Author, Social entrepreneur, Adligenswil, Canton of Lucerne

We greatly appreciate the uncomplicated and professional cooperation with Anna Dätwyler. She knows how to empathise with the content of the articles and at the same time preserve the writer’s voice. She ensures that the texts are not only corrected but also improved in terms of content. Many thanks for the excellent work, it’s always a pleasure!

Stephanie Wirthlin, Marketing manager, Football Club Lucerne

The famous “view from the outside” is absolutely necessary for a successful finish to a text, no matter how good – be it an article in a magazine, a contribution to a report, or an entire book. It was precisely this critical, carefully reasoned, and factually sound view that Anna Dätwyler provided me with in her highly professional editing and proofreading work – and thus made me and my clients happy. Thank you so much!

Matthias Meili, Meilikommunikation, Zurich


AEK Energie AG, Solothurn
Amt für Abfall, Wasser, Energie und Luft Zürich AWEL
Amt für Umwelt, Abteilung Luft Lärm, Solothurn
ask – agil systematisch kreativ GmbH, Hägendorf
Bad Ragartz, Bad Ragaz and Vaduz
Bastelboxen, Seuzach
BBF Communication and Design, Basel
Berchtold Informatik, Zurich
Berner Fachhochschule, Burgdorf
bischof meier und co., Hochdorf
BKW Energie AG, Bern
Breitengrad 47, Schenkon
Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU, Bern
Bureau Ronald Studer – Visuelle Gestaltung, Solothurn
Casalini Werbeagentur AG, Bern
Centre of Hospital Biel-Bienne
CSS, Lucerne
dp suisse, Aarau (formerly viscom)
Édition De Caro, Einsiedeln
Éditions Slatkine, Geneva
FC Luzern-Innerschweiz AG, Lucerne
Felix Frank – Redaktion & Produktion, Bern
Fresh Mind GmbH, Lucerne
Freunde Luzerner Theater, Lucerne
Gemeindekanzlei Hägglingen, Hägglingen
generation y GmbH, Kriens
Gesundheitsdirektion des Kantons Zürich
Gesundheits-, Sozial- und Integrationsdirektion des Kantons Bern GSI
Glarner Krankenversicherung, Schwanden

Graubündner Kantonalbank, Chur
Greutol AG, Otelfingen
Haute école de travail social Genève
Hebammerei Luzern
Heilpädagogisches Zentrum Hagendorn
HGB Hamburger Geschäftsberichte GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg
Hubers Büro, Bad Zurzach
IBB Energie AG, Brugg
IBC Energie Wasser Chur
Interlaken Tourismus
IWB Industrielle Werke Basel
Impact, Lucerne
Innerschweizer Heimatschutz IHS, Lucerne
INNOArchitects AG, Köniz
Interface – Politikstudien Forschung Beratung, Lucerne
KMW Korte Maerz Wolff Kommunikation, Hamburg
Kunst & Musik Klosters
Kunstmuseum Bern
Landformen AG, Landschaftsarchitekten BSLA, Lucerne
Lehrmittelverlag Zürich LMVZ
Leuchter Management Services AG, Lucerne
Lungenliga Bern
Luzerner Theater
Marketing Vals
Metall Zug AG
michel communication & consulting GmbH, Zollikofen
MINZ, Agentur für visuelle Kommunikation, Lucerne
Mosaiq Kommunikationsagentur, Olten
Müller Handels AG Schweiz, Oberentfelden
Nidwaldner Kantonalbank, Stansstad
nevo – creative office, Lucerne
New Identity, Basel
Pädagogische Hochschule Schwyz

Paritätische Berufsbildungsstelle für visuelle Kommunikation PBS, Berne
Pink Panorama, Lucerne
Progetti d’Arte in Val Bregaglia
Raiffeisen Immo AG, St. Gallen
Reusspark – Zentrum für Pflege und Betreuung, Niederwil
Ringier Print Adligenswil AG
Rütli-Stiftung, Lucerne
RVK, Lucerne
Sala Viaggiatori, Castasegna
SBL Wohnbaugenosschenschaft Luzern
Schweizer Jugend forscht, Bern
Schweizerische Mobiliar Versicherungsgesellschaft AG, Bern
Sevenseas AG, Zurich
Swissprinters AG, Zofingen
Theater Basel
therefore GmbH, Zurich
Triner Media + Print, Schwyz
Universität Bern, Kommunikation & Marketing
Universität Bern, Institut für Sozial- und Präventivmedizin
Verein Kirchliche Gassenarbeit Luzern, Lucerne
Victura GmbH, Rotkreuz
vingtneuf degres sàrl, Fribourg
visoparents, Dübendorf
VSAO, Bern
Watertec GmbH, Liebistorf
Wave Advertising AG, Lucerne
Wohnbau Ebikon AG
Zentralplus, Lucerne


Die kleinen Sprachstarken. Klett & Balmer Verlag, 2024.

Carlotta Manz: The Use of Genetic Data by Private Parties: Addressing the Threats to Human Rights. Thesis. University of Lausanne, 2024.

Thomas Gsponer: Branchenverbände: Ein Auslaufmodell? Ratgeber für erfolgreiches Verbandsmanagement. 2024.

Swiss Heritage Society (Ed.): The Hauteville Estate. From castle to university campus. Éditions Slatkine, 2023.

Andreas Lauterburg: Handbuch der praktischen Unternehmensführung. Versus Verlag, 2023.

Nita Weingartner: Die gestohlene Zeit. Ein Buch für Frauen auf dem Weg. 2022.

Thomas Gsponer: Erkenntnisse zum Management eines Branchenverbandes. Fortlaufende Erneuerung, Streben nach Mehrwert und Effizienz. viscom, 2022.

Sarah Zanoni: Eltern-Mantras. Leitzitate für den Familienalltag mit Kindern – liebevoll, kooperativ, achtsam. Édition De Caro, 2021.

ISPM: Science for public health. 50 years of the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine. 2021.

Julia Meier: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Stress – Influence of Stress in Early Pregnancy on the Development of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Thesis. University of Bern. 2021.

Andreas Lauterburg: Führung – auf den Punkt gebracht. Eine Abrechnung mit der Theorie. 2020.

viscom: ‘Hallo Krise!’ – Resilienz für die grafische Industrie. 2020.

Mirabaud Group: Geneva – Science of a Financial Centre. Éditions Slatkine, 2019.

Peter Imhof: 75 Jahre Wohnbau Ebikon AG. Chronik 1944 bis 2019. 2019.

BAFU: Die Eigentümerinnen und Eigentümer des Schweizer Waldes. Untersuchung des Verhältnisses privater und öffentlicher Eigentümerinnen und Eigentümer zu ihrem Wald. Umwelt-Wissen; Wald & Holz. 2018.

Beatrice Conrad Frey, Hugo Saner: Ist Essen gesund? Dichtung und Wahrheit – leicht verdaulich. 2017.

Plan Lumière – Lucerne by night. Hrsg. Stadt Luzern und ewl energie wasser luzern, 2017.

Mohamed Wa Baile: Ein Volk von Schwestern und Brüdern. Portmann Verlag, 2017.

Winter Group: 125 Years Passion for Surfaces 2017. Zum Firmenjubiläum der Winter Holding AG, 2017.

Nick Miles: 175 Years J. Safra Sarasin. Sustainable Swiss Private Banking Since 1841. Éditions Slatkine, 2016.

Renate Krähenbühl: Zeitreisen. Eine Familiengeschichte. 2016.

Sempach und Sursee: Gründung und Entwicklung zweier mittelalterlicher Kleinstädte, Band 3, 2015.